MICAJAH HUTT (1857-1922)
Micajah Hutt
September 29, Waverly, OH
October 27, 1922, Waverly, OH
Urabelle Marshall
June 29, 1861, Ross Co., OH
November 1, 1939, Waverly, OH
MARRIAGE January 1, 1882, Waverly, OH
PARENTS Spence & Keziah Hutt William Marshall & Martha Shotts

Mary Mable Hutt (Aug. 20, 1882 - )
Nell Hutt (May 12, 1885 - 1885)
Martha Keziah Hutt (Dec. 1, 1886 - ) {appears to have not married}
Thomas Micajah Hutt (June 16, 1891- )
William Henry Hutt (Dec. 17, 1892 - Aug. 3, 1947)
Isabel Hutt (Feb. 3, 1895 - April, 1980)
David Hutt (Oct. 15, 1897 - 1897)
Sara Hutt (Oct. 11, 1900 - Jan., 1979) {did not marry}


Micajah Hutt was the fourth child of Spence and Kezia.  As many Hutts, Micajah served the community as various public officials. Most noted was his tenure as the Pike County Sheriff between 1893-1895.  The County Jail is still located in the same building Micajah had his office in, although it has undergone many renovations.  On Micajah's death certificate, his occupation was listed as "public official."  In his wife's obituary, he is noted as a teacher and Captain in the Ohio National Guard.  Newspaper references refer to him as Captain Hutt.

Urabel's life is summarized in her obituary, which occupied two and a half columns in the Waverly Republican Herald.  She never knew her father, William Marshall, as he enlisted with the 61st Ohio Volunteer Infantry within a month of her birth in 1861.  By May of 1862, William contracted Typhoid Fever near Corinth, Mississippi and died from it in early June of the same year.

Aside from the separate page for William Henry, of Micajah and Urabel's children that are known to have married:
  • Mary Mabel Hutt married Charles P. Gableman (Sept. 14, 1877 - ), son of Phillip and Margaret Breinig, on October 15, 1910.  The Gableman family was a pioneer Pike County family, as reported in Phillip's obituary in 1919.  Phillip also served as the Mayor of Waverly in the latter 1800s.  Mary and Charles had two sons:
  • Charles Hutt Gableman, born May 31, 1913 in Waverly, OH, died in June, 1984 in Vandalia, MI and married Pauline Alvina Westfall (Aug. 12, 1918 - Nov. 1981) and had three children, Charles David (1942-), Sue Lyn (1946- ) and John Wesley (1948- );
  • George Marshall Gableman, (1915- ) married Jean McCormick (1917-) in 1940 and had one child, Lynn Gableman (1948- ).  Both Charles and George served in World War II.
  • A photo of one of
    the Gableman sons,
    it is either Charles
    ("Chick") or George.

    It is guessed that
    the photo was
    taken in the 1930s.

  • Thomas Micajah Hutt, I, married Lorna Hecox (Dec. 15, 1892 - Jan., 1973, Columbus, OH), on December 15, 1892.  Thomas served in World War I.  He amd his wife had five children:
  • Virginia Custer Hutt (Feb. 10, 1919 - June 17, 1989, Columbus, OH), who married Daniel Beem Merrill (Aug. 30, 1913 - 1966) on Nov. 13, 1944 and had two children, Daniel (1946- ) and Lorna (1950- );
  • Thomas Micajah Hutt, II (1921 - )
  • Marthagene Hutt (1926 - ), who married William Morris Rich (1923- ) in 1951.
  • Dorothy Arli Hutt (Aug. 28, 1928 - 1928)
  • William Hecox Hutt (1929- ).

  • Thomas M. Hutt, II
    standing outside his
    church.  The sign shows
    "T.M. Hutt, Minister" in
    the lower right-hand
    corner. This photo was 
    taken in 1953, most 
    likely in Columbus, Ohio.
    • Isabel Hutt, married Julius Edward Bohn (Feb. 11, 
      1896 - ), on August 29, 1923.  Julius served in World 
      War I and served as Superintendent of Schools in 
      Ashland, Ohio and then later in Springfield, Illinois, 
      where both lived until their deaths.  They had a 
      son, Robert (1928- ).
    Photo of
    Jules & 
    date of 

    Isabell Hutt Bohn, Martha Hutt, Gordon Hutt, Bobby (Robert) Bohn, Ruth Hutt (Ruthellen Hutt on lap) 1941
    LEFT: Back row: Chuck & Mable Gableman, Ruth Hutt, Bobby Bohn (behind Ruth), Isabell Bohn, Thomas M. Hutt, II,  Jules Bohn, Dan Merrill? 

    Front row: Billy Hutt (son of Thomas M.), unknown child, Ruthellen Hutt, Sara Hutt, Lorna Hecox Hutt, Virginia Hutt Merrill and Gordon Hutt

    Urabel & Micajah Hutt marker,
    Evergreen Cemetery, Waverly Ohio

    located adjacent to Dr. Austin Hutt's
    and Peru Hutt's family plots


    THIS UPDATE: October 9, 2000
    photos added
    LAST UPDATE: October 1, 2000
    Children info added
    Text in this color is in the process of being verified and/or cited