GERARD HUTT, I (1670-1740)


Gerrard Hutt, I
abt. 1670, Westmoreland Co., VA 
bef. March 25, 1740, Westmoreland Co, Va 
Anne Jackson
MARRIAGE unknown
PARENTS Daniel & Temperance Hutt Daniel Jackson

Gerrard Hutt, II (abt. 1700 - bef Sept. 25, 1770)
Daniel Hutt (bef. 1740 - )
Thomas Hutt (bef. 1740 - aft. Nov. 1799)
Frances Hutt (bef. 1740 - )
Elizabeth Hutt (bef. 1740 - )
Susannah Hutt (bef. 1740 - )
Anne Hutt (bef. 1740 - )
Jane Hutt (bet. 1700-1715 - bef. 1732)

Gerrard was undoubtedly named after his mother's family name, Gerrard. This would be a trait oft repeated through the succeeding generations of Hutts.  Dr. Thomas Gerrard had several sons, but none had sons of their own. Three more generations of Gerrard Hutts would follow, most likely as a tribute to the Gerrard name. 

Gerrard's will, dated Nov. 15, 1739, was proven on March 25, 1740. It lists children shown above, and his wife Anne.
40  According to Virginia militia records, Gerrard served Westmoreland County militia as a Captain in 1701 and 1702.41 Other records listing Virginia Militia officers in 1698 show Gerrard Hutt listed as a Captain of a troop of 75 men in Westmoreland County, VA.42 

On September 30, 1701, Gerrard was appointed a justice for Westmoreland County.
43 Gerrard Hutt was appointed by Queen Anne of England, in 1703, as "one of our Justices to keep ye peace." "The Commission being read as usual Gerrard Hutt, Gentlemen, & c. Capt. Gerrard Hutt granted 936 acres in 1712."44 

Gerrard's  will was dated November 15, 1739, of the Parish of Cople and County of Westmoreland and proven March 25, 1740.  While the wealth and residence in Virginia suggest th
e Hutts owned slaves, nothing is as stark as the contents of Gerrard's will.  Calling himself "planter" among the wealth of property, he bequeathed several slaves "as followeth;"45 
Item. I give to my son, Daniel Hutt, my Negroe Nan and Negroe Jack; 
Item. I give and bequeath to my Son, Gerrard Hutt, Negroe girl named Patience; 
Item. I give unto my Son, Thomas Hutt, Negroe Frank and her Daughter Joane; 
Item. I give unto my loving Wife, Anne Hutt, the feather bed and furniture on which she lies. likewise I give unto her a mulatto fellow named Phillip Sarris. 

Item. I give unto my Daughter, Frances, the feather bed she now lies on and furniture. likewise I give unto her a couple of cows, 2 ewes, a couple of pewter dishes and half a dozen of plates. 

Item. I give unto my three Sons, Daniel, Gerrard and Thomas my stock of Cattle and Hogs and one horse to be equally divided between them; 

Item. I give to my Son, Thomas, a parcel of land lying upon the head of Coss Coss running up a Run and Branch and then to a row of three Walnutts and then Southerly to the head of the Branch called the Fox Grape Branch, then running down the Branchto the Main Swamp of Coss Coss. 

Item. I give unto my Son, Daniel, one black Walnut table and one form; 
Item. I give unto my Daughters, Elizabeth, Susannah & Anne one shilling apiece; 
Item. I give and bequeath to my Sons, Daniel and Thomas, three wooden chairs; 
Item. I give and bequeath to my Son, Thomas, the feather bed he lies on; 
Item. I give to my Sons, Daniel and Thomas, my pewter to be equally divided betwixt them; 
Item. I give to my loving Wife, Anne Hutt, my Great Chair; 
Item. I give to my Sons, Daniel and Thomas, all my Lumber to be equally divided betwixt them; 
Item. I give unto my Son, Thomas, my Gun; 
Item. I give unto my Wife two ewes with their increase: likewise I give unto her this years Rnt of a Plantation I leave unto Albsolom Blundell. 

Item. I give unto my Grandson, John Hutt, one Gold Ring and Silver Seal which he now possesses. 

Lastly I will and ordain that my loving Wife, Anne Hutt, my Sons, Gerrard and Thomas Hutt, be my sole Exrs. of this my Last Will and Testament ...

Son Thomas is listed in the will of William Hutt (exact relation unknown) as receiving land, mill and "her materials" upon William's death in 1799.46

In various wills noted in Westmoreland County Wills, several slaves were bequeathed to different members of the Hutt family in Virginia during the 1700s.  In 1787, a Virginia Census showed the wife of Gerrard's grandson, Gerrard III, owning 16 slaves.  Whether it was ideological, or geographical, the Hutts that moved on to Ohio denounced slavery in public forums.  Ultimately, Gerrard's descendants would find themselves on opposing sides when the Civil War broke out.  While none of the Ohio Hutts fought in the war, several of their husbands, children and uncles did.


40 Westmoreland County Wills, p. 109

41 Virginia's Colonial Soldiers, Lloyd Dewitt Bockstruck, p. 223

42 The Virginia Military Records book, published 1983, p. 393

43 Westmoreland County, Va., Deeds & Wills, John F. Dorman, p. 3

44 Family tree lineage and notes from Glenda Hinz (e-mail address as of 4/2000)

45 Greg Newton's web site

46 Westmoreland County Wills, p. 204


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